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Research focus

  1. Modulation of gut health parameters by probiotics and bioactive components in food. In this theme we are aiming to elucidate and define the effects and the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for modulation of parameters related to gut health following exposure to food components (both harmful and beneficial)
  2. Management of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in young mice exposed to high fat diet by the use of probiotic, prebiotic and selective metabolites . This study investigates manipulation of intestinal microflora linked to obesity, through long term exposure to western style diet, use of probiotic, prebiotic and metabolites. Individual as well as combined effects are being investigated with a special focus on microbiome population changes, inflammatory responses and fat and cholesterol metabolism, linked to NAFLD development.
  3. Protective effect of dietary compounds on intestinal inflammation
    In this theme we are aiming to evaluate therapeutic effect of different dietary compounds on intestinal inflammation and to elucidate possible underlying mechanisms involved for such effect.

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5S12, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building,School of Biological Sciences,The University of Hong Kong,Pokfulam, Hong Kong

(+852) 2299 0835

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